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Lexington themes bundle

Unlock permanent access to all themes and future additions for a one-time payment.

Lexington Themes bundle

Unlock permanent access to all themes and future additions for a one-time payment — No subscription required

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What's included

  • Every theme available — the bundle includes all themes and UI kits made to date, as well as future additions.
  • Lifetime access — Enjoy lifetime access to all current and future themes via GitHub or download them from anytime.
  • Unlimited projects — Lexington Themes license allows you to use all themes as many times as you want.
  • Free updates — any improvements, new components, and new templates are included with your original purchase.
  • No subscription required — The license is a one-time purchase. Lexington Themes will never charge you again after the initial payment.
  • Support — when you purchase the bundle, you get access to Lexington's Discord channel.

When you purchase a template or the bundle you get access to a very permissive license that you can read from here:

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out on: